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Veterans Pkwy
St Johns, FL, 32259


Oksana Andersen is a professional portrait photographer in Florida, serving Ponte Vedra, South Jacksonville, St Augustine, St John's. She offers head shots, glamour, family portraits, newborn session sand engagements. Her photography style is fresh, clean and beautiful. 


It is time for a family photo session!


I am opening up time slots OCTOBER 25th, NOVEMBER1st and NOVEMBER 2nd. Now you can be the one to send out those adorable Christmas cards!!! IT’S NOT TOO LATE

-all sessions will take place in Hampton Park, downtown Charleston 

-sessions will be 25-30 minutes long, which is plenty of time to get a few different looks for your family!

-sessions can include up to 6 people in one family (immediate families only–that’s parents & children).  A $25 charge for each additional person will be added and your session will be extended by 5 minutes to allow for enough time to photograph such a group.  For larger groups I would recommend to book a full session.

-sessions will include an online gallery with 15-20 images in full resolution available via digital download, for you to use for your card(s).

-payment will be due upon reservation

-the fee for this is $125

With questions, please email or  call (850)348-0614

